Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How is the view?

It is implausible to deny the use of reason that plays a role in human beings’ knowledge and understanding of the external world. If its importance were diminished, I would see no further need for philosophical enquiry. However, it is my opinion that both reason and experience provided us a general sense of how we come to know things. 
Neuroplasticity is a scientific concept that refers to the ways in which our environment and experiences are resultant in an alteration of the neural pathways in our brains. Here, we see the connection between empiricism (i.e. brains are blank slates; ‘nurture’) and rationalism (i.e. built in mental templates; ‘nature’). They are interrelated and we need both in order for the mind to function. Yes, there are certain operations of the mind that seem to be inherent in being a ‘mind’, but I do not think that this proves that our minds come equipped with any particular ‘ideas’. If ideas were placed in our mind innately then it would seem to me that we would no longer need reasons for such ideas. They would just be. Innatism would seem to be a plausible account for universal moral truths, but I am uncertain that those exist. Many ideas seem universal upon arrival in our consciousness, so that we might assume they are innate. This is because society has deemed actions right or wrong and we have been taught these since we were taught the ability to communicate and understand. Many human beings will never ask ‘Why’ before accepting a general principle placed to them by the hands of society; however, this creates an illusion of innatism and provides no solid ground to accept these principles as innate.
If our minds contained innate ideas, we would as a collective human group be much more similar. 
Our view is created the thoughts and ideas contained in our minds. These arise from experience and reason. Both are necessary to event produce a thought. Find someone with a wildly similar world view? Then they are probably using similar reasoning and sharing the same experience-- but it will never been an identical copy.

Pondering this allows me to open up my awareness that everyone is different. 
Open yourself up to those differences-- Ask questions--
How is the view from over there?